Ad-hoc kml/kmz as layer to SMART mobile

Hi Justin,
Please check why this KMZ is not displaying properly as offline map.
Josip (5.7 KB)

SMART Mobile does not support KMZ, only KML. I renamed the KMZ file to a ZIP file and it worked. I would recommend adding your own “layers.json” into the ZIP, otherwise it will think that the PNG symbols are layers.


Well, sorry Justin, but it did not work. I do not know how to add my own “layer.json”. When I open the same file in some other mobile app, it displays as expected. I also tried the same points in shp format (the whole family of files packed in one zip), but this did not work as well. here is this zip. (3.5 KB)

Hi Josip,

Here is what I did:

  1. Rename traps.kmz to
  2. Unzipped to a folder
  3. Added layers.json
  4. Created a new zip:

Here is a link to the documentation again:
Offline maps


it worked this way, but only after deleting one file (*.xsl) which was inside kmz (zip).

So, after all, it is not really “ad-hoc” since it needs four steps, plus one undocumented (deleting *.xsl), at least when working with kml/kmz.
Thanks Justin!