🗺 Add your site to the SMART map!

Hello SMART Community!

:pushpin:Is you site on the SMART wiki map on our website? Check it out - https://smartconservationtools.org/SMART-Community/Map-of-sites

If you site is not there, please add it/them so we can support the SMART network globally.

Adding your site, allows you and others to see who is using SMART near you or in a similar environmental context/use cases, allows the SMART team to plan trainings and it also gives us important metrics to understand how SMART is being used in different regions.

:pushpin:Here is a simple guide to help you add your sites - How to add your SMART site to the community map on the SMART website_Updated.pdf - Google Drive

If you need assistance, please ping me and I can help out.



Hi SMART Community,

We have just under 1,200 sites on the SMART wiki map on the SMART website, is your site there yet? If not, please use the guidance from the post above to add your sites, it is simple and only takes a few minutes!

Thank you!


Hello @mharris ,
I am writing to you on behalf of the Molino de Flores Nezahualcóyotl National Park, located in Texcoco, Mexico. In recent years, we have worked closely with the population that lives in the National Park’s influence zone, with the aim of promoting the conservation of the area. As part of this work, we have implemented a monitoring and surveillance program that involves local brigades and last year we started using SMART Desktop.

In this context, we are interested in implementing the SMART Connect tool this year. For this, we would like to request your assistance in two matters. The first is with the registration of a new site on the SMART community map on the SMART website. When we enter the “My site” menu, the option to “Add new” record does not appear, and our site is not yet on the map. The second is in reference to the training options that exist for the National Park staff and brigades that will be participating in monitoring and surveillance activities with this tool.Training can be done in person or through an online course in Spanish.

Thank you!


Thank you for getting in touch and your interest. I believe someone will look into the website issue regarding adding your site. Please check back soon on this.

Regarding training options for now I can direct you to an online resource. There is a Spanish language training course which may be of interest.

Please feel free to contact me at awyatt@wwf.org.kh and I can share a link directly.

Kind regards,
