Automatic update of SMART Mobile and patrol package

Hello, I’m trying to find a way to get the SMART Mobile app and the patrol package to automatically update (via SMART Connect or other). I know it’s doable but I cannot find how to install the app and package so that they update automatically. I’ve tried by downloading the app and patrol package via SMART Desktop and I’ve tried by downloading the app via Playstore and the patrol package via Desktop but neither works. Any suggestions?

Hi Mathilde,

If you install via the Play Store, then it will get updated automatically if you have good WiFi. However, we do not release very frequently, so not much to do there.

On the package side, if it is published via Connect, then you will see an update option next to the project whenever you launch SMART Mobile.

Could you say more about why you want to update them together?


Hi Justin,

Thanks for getting back to me!

It’s mostly the project package which I would like to get to update automatically. Our program has 49 Rangers living in very remote areas so it’s been a struggle to drive out to everyone to update it or wait until we are all together once a year.

But success! I see it finally worked when I installed the app via Playstore and the package via Connect (using the package link, the download button is not visible from the device view screen).

Do I need to keep the device logged in on Connect for it to update automatically in future or can I log out after it’s installed? If I can log out, that saves me having to create new user login details.

Thanks again!

Hi Mathilde,

When you login, this gives SMART Mobile enough information to establish a permanent connection to the selected package. From then on, it will automatically check for updates (for that package) and prompt if one is found. The user name and password are not stored on the device. What are you looking to do with a log out?

Package updates are not downloaded automatically, because the user would need internet access which they may not have.


Hi Justin,
I’ve just gotten back from the field updating all the devices’ SMART. I’ve used the method you suggested and it works great. Thank you!

I have admin log in details so I wanted to ensure the Rangers devices would not need to stay logged in Connect.

Thanks again!