Cannot open patrol after importing

Error reads Failed to create the part’s controls and cannot open patrol or see it on map

Can you please let us know what version you are using, did you restart SMART and did this issue still happen. If so what steps did you take before this error came up and also provide an error log for us to troubleshoot.

I’m using SMART version 7.5.6. I’ve tried restarting SMART but the same issue is still happening. The last steps I took were importing the patrol from file and then trying to open it. I’m sending the error log attached.
errorlog.txt (69.8 KB)

I have raised this issue with the developers. Will respond back as soon as I have an update. Thanks for your patience

Hi - The error log shows a number of sql errors that it can’t connect to the local file database and also when it connects it is missing tables that should be in the database but are not. Did you recently try to install the plug in or have you been using it for a while? Did someone accidentally move or delete some files in the database directory?

Can you tell us in a little bit more detail what steps you took in upgrading the software to help us understand the issue more.

For resolving the issues - the database is not in a good aligned state - so if you have a backup of the database - please get a new copy of SMART and try to restore your latest backup and I hope this resolves your issue. Can you please try these and let us know.