We’re looking at how/if we could replace some of the analyses and reporting that we currently use Excel spreadsheets (with built in algorithms) or other programs for with the R plug-in or computed columns that SMART offers. This is part of a general attempt amongst a number of reserves/sites in our region to amalgamate analysis and reporting effort into one (SMART) or fewer platforms.
Please get in touch if you have some knowledge to share on R plug-in and/or computed columns to help us understand what’s possible.
Thanks Diego, I appreciate it. I have to admit, however, that I’m too out of touch with R these days to be much use.
I suppose I should be more upfront about what we’re looking for help with. The managers and ecologists that we support make use of a selection of excel workbooks with built in algorithms to create an output of summaries and to run calculations automatically from the raw data the enter. For example, one use case is working out a “ecological carrying capacity” from the data they enter from their annual game counts, vegetation surveys and rainfall.
We’re looking into whether the tools in SMART (R-plugin, computed columns, or otherwise) can run any of the same functions and therefore allow us to integrate this process into SMART (reducing use of external programs) or whether it makes more sense to keep this process within Excel as it is and just input the results and summaries as distinct data to then enable annual summary comparison graphs in SMART Reports.
IF this is possible, we currently don’t have the necessary confidence in R within our group’s skill set to set it up so we’d initially be looking for some support in doing so until we can upskill some of our team. So if anyone is willing to help us with it, or alternatively advise us that it’s better to keep it the way we’ve got it, then we’d love to hear it.