Conservation Area file size on Connect

I assumed that the file size for our Conservation Area on Connect would be similar to the size of the Full Backup that SMART Desktop generates. However, downloading the CA directly from Connect results in a 2.3GB file while the full backup is only 300MB. Is there something I can do to deflate the Connect version because it’s making it hard to download to SMART via the advanced menu option.

Hi Jeremy,

The Connect download will always include the filestore (where all of the heavy items are kept e.g. image library etc.) and associated files, whereas the CA export can exclude the filestore and Connect related files.

Can I ask the size of the CA export when the filestore is included?

If you are storing a lot of images in SMART, there is a method to reduce the overall size of the CA. Please see here. Back up before doing this so you can keep a zipped copy of the full database with associated files.



Hi Alex, thanks for the reply.
Our patrol package is set to downsample all images to 1600x1200 already so not sure the batch image resizer will make much difference. We don’t have many images either, perhaps 100. It is the full backup with filestore which is just 300 MB when exported/backed up from desktop.

Hi Jeremy,

It could be that the CA size is due to unprocessed data stuck in the CA on Connect.

What we should do is extract both zip files (CA export from desktop software and Connect) and compare them to see which folders have the extra data in the larger one. If the reason above is correct, the files will be in a folder like this:

If you’re not already using it, upgrading to SMART 7.5.2 may help with this issue in future.



Thanks Alex. If the download does include unprocessed data from the queue on Connect (seems surprising to me!) then yes indeed I can imagine this is the cause. We have had very large amounts of data that have failed to process, though “only” about 80 messages stuck there at present. Still hard to think these are gigabytes. Upgrade to 7.5 been waiting for us to get phone apps updated beyong 385, which been waiting to for us to get data off phones, which been waiting for us to get CA downloaded/syncd at field site lol. Truly hoping of lot of 7.5!!

Coming back to this question at it still seems to be an issue, and has been consequential today because of errors happening in the database in SMART have forced me to download the CA from Connect.

  1. CA size report in SMART: Total Conservation Area Filestore Size = 916 MB and Apache Derby (Database) = 69 MB

  2. CA backup including filestore: 798 MB

  3. CA download from Connect: 3.99 GB

This huge size makes it impractical to recover from errors by downloading the CA from Connect.

Is there something that can be done to the database on Connect to deflate it in some way?

