Could not process any of the data. Data queue errors

Hi Community,

This is my first topic. I would like to share the problem I am facing while starting the implementation tests with SMART. I have already looked at other posts and the solutions, but I still can’t solve it.

We collected the first round of actual data in the field with 2 iPhones and 2 Android devices and exported the data through Connect directly from the smartphones and a tablet. Some patrols are synching, and others are not, as follows:

I just updated Connect and Desktop to version 7.5.7, but the problems remain. Below is the error log with further information.

SMART_error_log_01_11_23.txt (155.7 KB)

I appreciate your valuable support.
Thank you.

Hi Albert,

Are you currently using a cloud server obtained through the SMART website?

Can you tell if it is certain devices that are having issues? Are there likely some overlapping patrols (time/area)?

Could you possibly reach out to me via email and we will involve some of the technical team to help look into your issue?

Kind regards,


Hi Alex,

Thank you very much for replying.

Are you currently using a cloud server obtained through the SMART website?

Yes, we use a cloud server provided by the SMART team.

Can you tell if it is certain devices that are having issues? Are there likely some overlapping patrols (time/area)?

I can’t tell what device is having an issue, if so. There is, though, a good chance of overlapping patrols in the same area and time, because we tested different devices, I can recall using a phone and a tablet, each one with its own patrol recording.

Could you possibly reach out to me via email and we will involve some of the technical team to help look into your issue?

Sure, I will write for further support. We can back here afterwards with the solution.
Best regards,
