Disable multiple observations in SMART Mobile

I want to disable the option to do multiple observations, but somehow it does not work and the option stays available in SMART Mobile.

I de-selected the option in my data model as in my configurable model. Are there other settings I am not aware of?

Kind regards,

Hi Elke,

This is slightly confusing. The multiple observation feature allows you to create multiple records within a single observation at a single location.

Is what you’re asking to prevent additional observations at a location once this category is selected? If so, this functionality doesn’t exist. SMART Mobile will allow you to collect as many observations as you want at a specific point.

If I’m understanding this correctly, could you possible explain a little the need to limit users to single observations at a location?



I mean the multiple observation option on category level.

So we use independent incident for carnivore sightings. We fill out the configurable model and save it with the location where we found the carnivore. So we do not want any other observations at that location. The next carnivore will be in a different spot and needs a new location point. I want to prevent people from collecting observations at the same location, not being aware of forgotten to save the first location and continuing in the same incident.

Is there a way to only record one observation at a location?

Kind regards,

Hi Elke,

No, there’s no way to limit to a single observation at a location. By design Mobile allows you to continue recording observations at a particular incident location to allow for a full picture of the event (which is often multiple categories).

I don’t think there’s any plans for this to be included but we can discuss the possibility internally. Generally, though, this would be something we’d need to include in training to field teams (i.e. how to record and save according to site procedures. I recommend these procedures are developed and documented, where possible).



Hi Alex,
Okay thank you for the information.

Yes, I will make sure to include it in trainings and protocols. But I guess it will still be a risk that sometimes you just forget and save multiple observations under the same location.
I would think that more organisations use it in the way we do, to have one independent incident per location.
Would be nice if this could be discussed with the partnership team, as one of the changes for the next version.

Kind regards,

Thanks, Elke.

We will make note of the request to limit the number of observations at a single waypoint and add it to the list of items to review for future releases.



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My team would also benefit greatly from this functionality, if that helps bump it into the next release :slight_smile:


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