Double incident IDs

I got double incident ID’s in my CA, for incidents that took place on a different day, on a different location. I was under the impression that SMART would give unique incident ID’s to every incident imported in SMART.
See below:

Kind regards,

Hi Elke,

Your impression is certainly the expected behaviour here. Have all the incidents come in via processing the data queue or SMART Mobile or were some manually imported? If imported manually, you need to select to create new IDs, not use the existing ones when importing the incidents. By selecting to use the existing IDs you’re forcing SMART to use the ID that was originally created for the incident which may have already been used in the database you’re importing into.

Otherwise, SMART should indeed be creating unique IDs for your incidents.

Related to this, in case it is of interest, you can customise the ID style by going to File > System Preferences > ID Pattern Definitions. Here you can make the IDs a little more specific (i.e. using timestamps, observer names etc)



Hi Alex,
Thank you for your reply.
The observations are all importing via cable from SMART mobile on tablets.

I wil have a look at the ID style.

Kind regards,

Hi Alex,
Does this mean that the same data can have different IDs, depending on the CA it is saved in.
So for example if laptop A imports data, with ID 20-30, and laptop B also imports data, with ID 20-30. As soon as both laptops sync to Connect they will get each others data, but with the same IDs. How does SMART solve this?

Kind regards,

Hi Elke,

If you’re managing a CA on multiple computers via Connect you should be processing the data on one of these devices at a time, not multiple. The process would be as follows:

  1. User A logs into CA on laptop #1

  2. User A processes the incident / patrol data in the data queue to the CA on laptop #1

  3. Patrol / incident data are assigned unique IDs

  4. User A synchronises the CA with the server which updates the CA on Connect

  5. User B logs into the CA on device #2

  6. User B sychronises with the server and obtains an up-to-date version of the CA, which includes all the data processed in step 2

  7. User B can then process any new patrol data in the queue which will then be assigned appropriate IDs.

This may be something you need to consider in regards to practical workflows.



Hi Alex,
Yes this is indeed something we would have to integrate in our workflow.

It is possible that user B did not synchronize first and thats why SMART created incidents with the same ID.

I will look into a way to streamline for our organization.

Kind regards,

Kind regards,

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