JSON files containing patrols have been imported (one patrol = one JSON file). The JSON files were generated with SMART Mobile. In SMART Desktop they have been edited and assigned proper names. By mistake, several of the original JSON files have been re-imported, generating duplicate patrols that have the same information, photos, comments, etc. but different names. How can I select the duplicates and delete them? (There are more than 300 patrols in half a year). The dates do not help because on the same date there may be different patrols of different zones in the same conservation area; these are not duplicates.
Would it be too difficult for you to delete all patrols and then reimport the ones you want? Also, by different names, do the duplicates have a different prefix to the ones you want to keep?
Yes. The duplicate comes from a patrol done with SmartMobile than have been sent to me and other people in charge; them usually edit the patrol name acccording to a standard format, but secuencial (not registering date or leader) only a CA name code and number. BTW I do not change the name, keeping the automatic name asigned by the system. The result, duplicate patrols in the list. its a nightmare find out which ones are them.
Riley’s suggestion above is the best course of action here.
I would check the JSON files you have, sort and remove duplicates (outside of SMART), delete all patrols within SMART for this timeframe and re-import the JSON files. There’s no way to search for/remove duplicates in the software.
Do back up your system before deleting anything in case of any issues during the process.