Error downloading CA from Connect

I got another error notification today. When downloading CAs from Connect to a newly installed SMART laptop.
Does anyone know what this means.

The SMART install package is downloaded in downloads and extracted on C drive, documents. So not in the file mentioned in the error.

Kind regards,

Have you tried more than once and got the same error
Do you have lots of free space on the C: drive on that computer compared to the size of the CA?

It could be not enough space on your computer to unzip a large CA file.

The error with Connect resolved itself. We have been able to download the CA, but the laptop can not export packages or import data. See below.

Kind regards,

That looks like the standard error you see whenever anything goes wrong with your plugged in USB cable and device. Make sure you set the device to allow sharing files (not just “charge only” which is the default now-a-days). You should be able to see the device in your windows “file explorer” tool and browse the files on your device, if that is working, then try the import or export again in SMART.

That was the first thing we did. We already tried all the straightforward ways to solve it. But it seems like this is a more complex issue.