Error running report

I have ran into an issue while running my report template in SMART.

The report runs ok for certain date filters and gives me this error for other data filters. For example, the report runs for December and not for January.

I have been unable to upload screenshots .

Please help

Can you tell me what version of SMART you are using and also provide the error log ? Thanks

Hi Padma,
I am using version 7.5.6
Error log-SMART alula.txt (388.0 KB)

Hi Clarine

The error message says Could not connect to the database. Can you “Check that another instance of SMART is not running and try again” - Thanks

No other instance of smart was running

Hi Clarine - Have you checked to see if there are any data inconsistencies for January that you are trying to run the report for? If the report works for Dec but not Jan - it might be a data issue. There may be a time or location on a waypoint of something that is incorrect, so when it is calculating values it is throwing an error. Thanks