in order to obtain a lot of photos with georreferenced position a query displays all the photos resulting from the query, but when you export any photo, the coded name (number) appears as name, and there are no information in the photo than can showme where or when was the photo taken. I can figure out the information by opening the patrol info (source patrol), where I find the information needed. Is there any way to extract the image information even as a CSV file related to the photo name?
Have you looked in the image metadata tags? If the original phone settings had geo-location tagging turned on for taking images, that geo-tag and the date/time etc should all be in the image metadata tags. On windows, right-click the image and select properties. Then see the “details” tab for image meta-data.
There was an idea of modifying the images upon export and adding text onto of the image itself of something like Date and Location properties, which is maybe more of what you want. But that was only an idea so far, it isn’t implemented in the software anywhere. Feel free to make a request for that sort of feature if that is what you need, either with your SMART partnership contact or through the asana website: SMART Master Project (Internal Form) - Form by Asana