Filtering for Patrol Member in Reports

Hi All,

Has anyone found a way to filter for patrol member in patrol/observation/grid queries at the report stage? I am creating a report that will use an employee name as additional parameter, and adding employee name as a column and then filtering for the parameter value works just fine for tables etc.

But ideally I also want to create map showing all patrol tracks, and then filter that for one employee as patrol member in the report. However once a query is brought into the report it seems to lose data on patrol members, and there is no relevant columns besides Leader and Pilot that i can use as a filter. It is clearly possible to filter these queries by member, because you can do it easily when building queries, but can you do it at the report stage?

Many thanks,


Hola a todos

También estoy interesada en la consulta realizada por Julien.
Por mi parte, de una u otra manera he podido incluir a los miembros. Sin embargo, al ejecutar el informe se visualiza a todos los miembros que participaron en todos los patrullajes.

Quedo atenta a su apoyo.


Dear Julien

Long time not see you.

To resolve your problem, you should add “All Patrol Track Query” into dataset twice, then rename the second dataset.

Implement the custom report parameter and filter only for one of your dataset.



Lili Sadikin