Get involved: WILDLABS Bioacoustics Horizon Scan & Meetups—Listen to the Future

WILDLABS, the global conservation technology community, is launching a horizon scan aimed at uncovering innovations that could revolutionize bioacoustics over the next two decades. By identifying emerging advancements that will shape the future of bioacoustics, we aim to build community consensus, facilitate collaboration, and direct resources to help this growing field reach its full potential. This project is being conducted in collaboration with Colorado State University and supported by the Moore Foundation, along with a distinguished group of expert advisors, including Laurel Symes, Justin Kitzes, Erin Bayne, Renata Sousa-Lima, and Jen Solomon.

We are seeking topic submissions that will be considered for inclusion in the horizon scan prioritization process, involving a diverse group of experts from around the world. These topics should represent innovative ideas that could revolutionize the field over the next 20 years. You can submit your ideas through the Google form linked in this article.

Additionally, to lay the groundwork for this horizon scan, we invite you to join WILDLABS Virtual Meetup Season Five: Listen to the Future. Each Thursday in September, cross-sector experts will gather to explore key innovation frontiers, from hardware and AI to data mobilization and scientific impact. You can see the lineup of speakers and find registration links here.
