Hi Volodimir,
To update your SMART desktop from 7.5.6 to 7.5.7, navigate to “File” → “Check for updates”. If this poses a challenge, you can download the latest version from the website and follow the instructions below:
- In the current SMART version, back up all your CAs by navigating to “File” → “Backup system”.
- Once this is done, in the unzipped folder, run SMART by clicking on the SMART.exe file.
- Use the username smart and password smart to log in.
- Install plug-ins and once complete navigate to “File” → “Logout” to return to the login page
- On the login page, click “Advanced” then “Upgrade and/or Restore a backup”. Locate the database you recently backed up from the older SMART desktop version to begin the backup.
- Once this is done, your upgrade will have been completed.
Updates regarding any future version updates will be communicated to the community soon. If you would like to make suggestions on program functionality, please fill in this form. On request- type select “New feature, request or documentation” and proceed to finish the form.