(Photo from technical handbook!)
Doesn’t matter which field is checked in station or teams boxes. Anyone else can see the planned route! (Multiple users, not allocated to the fields, were able to see the planned patrol that we didn’t want to)
How can this change that only the selected station or team can view patrol plan?
We need this for confidentiality across multiple plans.
Viewing and using Patrol Plans are not restricted by any of the setting you choose when making the, such as Team or Station as you noted.
This is just how the security/view access is setup in SMART, those plan settings were never intended to be restrictions, but just a way to organize your plans.
View and access restrictions are only managed at the user-level where you can make users: Admin/Analyst/Data Entry/Manager (and more “profile” access if you have that plug-in).
I don’t recall off hand which of those type can view/edit/export plans, but you could create a test user of each type and try it out, I assume “Data Entry” at least won’t see them.
Then potentially update some of your user’s to have different user levels based on how much you want them to see.
Thank you Jeff.
We have many teams and stations so would be great if there was a way to restrict them.
Will try and find a work around. maybe even as simple as loading the route, then telling team 1 to load in the next ten minutes and delete from server. on to the next team.