Promote SMART as a tool for recording safety & security incidents and near-misses related to threats and harms to rangers

Recently we received a request: we need a much greater awareness of how rangers are being harmed, to provide an evidence-base, as well as a baseline against which to measure the progress with this initiative, and adapt accordingly.

Do you have any insights on this?

Thank you

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Hi Lina

An incident configuration on a SMART mobile/collect enabled device might be
useful for documenting life-threatening incidents encountered by rangers.
This would be configured in the patrol package as an option for data
recording ie. Incident Report. The incident configuration might record
basic information such as 1) type of incident (shooting, animal encounter,
accident etc) 2) injuries/deaths, and 3) action taken. A more detailed
description of the incident might be filed by a ranger team that could be
attached with a patrol report.


Antony J. Lynam Ph.DConservation Technology Field Solutions
Center for Global Conservation,

Wildlife Conservation Society

tel: US 1-914-712-8151, TH +66818233606

President, Society for Conservation Biology

Training Lead, Capacity Council, SMART Partnership

Member: IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas

Member: IUCN Cat Specialist Group 2021-2024