Removing large amount of attributes

Is there a way to remove a category at ones? Or to remove a large number of attributes in one go?
I have a datamodel with 5 categories. I want to re-use 1 category for a new CA. How can I extract just that one category from the old CA, without having to remove all the attributes in the other 4 categories one by one.

Kind regards,

Hi Elke,

There’s no way to bulk remove attributes / categories within the software. Particularly if there’s any data associated with them which will require an extra step of removing any of these observations before you can delete an attribute.

So, you can manually remove them one by one. Or, there is the possibility of doing this via a text editing software. You can try exporting the data model to .XML, opening up in the text editor (such as Notepad++) and modifying the code in the model. It’s a little tricky but the names of the categories & attributes should be visible and can be removed. You do need to ensure the code is still valid upon completion though.



Okay thank you Alex.
I will try via the text editing way.
Is there any chance this feature will be added in the future? To remove attributes in bulk?

Kind regards,

Hi Elke,

I can submit this as a feature request on your behalf.

Thanks for the input.



That would be great, thank you!