Selection of Dynamic Images

If an observation comes with multiple images attached to it, I am battling to work out how I can select which of the various images I want included in the report when I set up a dynamic image in a report. It seems that at present, the first image only is selected. Is there a way to present which image you want included in the report, or how is this meant to be customised.

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Hi Debby

Am attaching a report definition here with an example. Don’t have the time write up a detailed walkthrough, but you should be able to work through what I did from the definition. In this case, I added the attachments data set and then set up a joined data set on waypoint ID with the main data set for the incident. I then added that dataset as a table and displayed the attachment data. See the table at the bottom “Incident Photographs”. Hope this helps. (573.9 KB)

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Hey Debby

Let us know if the solution works for you. Would be great to see it work in your reports


Thank you for this Drew. I will have have to try and get a gap to work through this and see if I can work out what you did. I have never worked with joined data sets before so will have to just familiarise myself and hopefully work out how to implement this first so I can try and work out what you did, but greatly appreciated -will let you know if I don’t come right.

Take Care

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When adding a dynamic image to a table with multiple incidences, it is repeating the same image for each separate incident. I tried to recreate the table with merged data sets but that too hasn’t worked. Some of the separate incidents also have multiple attached images.
Any assistance would be great as I have been puzzled for a while, and this would be the finishing touch to my report.

Have the same problem where we have a number of sites with three images per site.
Is there any way that i can add the 3 images per site/Patrol incident?

Hi Joseph,

Just to clarify, you are taking multiple photos at the same location under the same observation and you want to be able to display all of these images?

This should work. See here I have created an observation with 3 images attached at one observation under the category “people confronted”. I’ve used an “observation query” for this observation category. I’ve then added the query to the report as “SMART Query Attachment” then added the image from the report items, selected “dynamic image” and the image data as “attachment” data. This creates 3 rows in the output report with the same observation information but each with 1 of the three different images I attached to the observation.

Please elaborate if this is not what you are attempting to achieve.



Hi Alex.
We have 10 sites that observers have to get to over one day patrol.
each site they have to take 3 photos.
want these pictures to be added in the monthly report.
Hope this makes sense.

Hi Joseph,

In my above example I have taken 3 photos at a single observation under the category “people confronted”.

I’ve then created an observation query for “people confronted” and added this to the report as an “SMART Query Attachment" and all three photos are displayed.

Please check that the category to which the photos are attached is selected in the query that you’re using in your report.

Alternatively, you can try this process using multi-records and take a single photo for each record. You can enable multi-records for the appropriate category in your configurable model.



Hi Alex
Still having a problem with this!
Let me know if i can share my CA with you or the server details for more help?
I get all the pictures in my report and have added filter and parameter but still no luck.

Hi Ott,

Sure thing. If you can send an export of you CA with user credentials to my email ( I will try to look into this for you.

If possible please include a screen recording / video explaining what you are trying to do exactly as this might help reduce any back-and-forth messaging.



P.s. if you prefer to keep your data confidential feel free to backup and remove any irrelevant data, then send me the exported CA with only the relevant data included (up to you).

can you check it on the server or must i still send you CA?

Ill send email also.