SMART 7.5.10 slowdown when increasing the number of patrols

smart 7.5.10. I needed to move to a new smart server. To do this, I need to upload all the data to a new server. Since my database has about 7,000 patrols (15 GB), I cannot upload. Therefore, I decided to export all the patrols and then delete them. When I successfully uploaded them to the server, I gradually started importing patrols in batches of 500 and immediately synchronized. The first batches of patrols of 500 were imported quickly. It took 20 minutes. But I noticed that each subsequent time the process takes longer and longer. Now 5,000 patrols have been imported. To import new 500 pieces into the database, you have to wait about 3 hours. The slowdown in adding patrols is also noticeable when importing from a mobile data server. From the moment the “create new patrol, ok” button is pressed until the process moves to the next task, about 40 seconds pass, which is much longer than when there were fewer patrols.
Will this trend continue? Is there any setting I can change to fix this?

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Hi Volodimir, hope you’re doing well. Is your issue with uploading the Conservation Area (CA) to a new server due to bandwidth limitations? I recently uploaded a 13 GB CA successfully - it took some time but worked with a stable connection. If possible, try uploading overnight.

However, if network constraints require a segmented upload, the approach you’re taking makes sense. Also, if you’ve deleted patrols from SMART after exporting, I understand that uploading the CA as a whole may no longer be an option.

Performance may slow as more data is added, but the extent you’re seeing seems excessive. Try a full shut down and restart of your computer - SMART can build up cache memory over time, causing slowdowns. I’m uncertain if this will solve the issue but it is worth ruling out. Ensure your patrols are backed up before proceeding. Let us know if the issue persists!
