SMART Connect 7 (local SERVER) for SMART Desktop 7.5.6

We managed to use SMART Connect version 7 (for local Server) with SMART Desktop 7.4-

We try to upgrade our SMART Desktop as 7.5.6 - and it could not correctly work with the SMART Connect 7 - How can this local server 7 works with SMART Desktop 7.5.6?
Here is screen capture error

Hi Aristide,

It sounds like you need to upgrade your local server. SMART Desktop 7.5.6 requires SMART Connect 7.5.5. Here are the scripts for the upgrade:




Hi, Monica, I downloaded and installed on my notebook the Script using Windows from your message above - - Google Drive

Then I passed installation process smoothly until the following log message stopped me:

Check: https://ASUS-OLEGHBOND/server ERROR: Not reachable



Please hint me what I did wrong.


Yet another, I guess, connected message appeared in the CLI window:

Hi Olegh,

Wihich version of Powershell are you using? The parameter SkipCertificateCheck of the function Invoke-WebRequest was introduced with Powershell 6.0.0. Please update to the latest available Powershell version and then test the installation again.


Hi, Adolph,


Hi Monica,

We have delivered the version of SMART Connect for Linux-7-5-5 that you provided. But for some reason, version displayed in Smart Connect → Settings is 7.5.3. Can you tell me what the problem might be?

host -

Thank you in advance.

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Dear All,
I need your help by the SMART Connect Server Software(windows). Md. Khyer Ali (Whatsapp:8801557030074)

Dear All,

I am a user of Smart Patrol (offline). At Present, I want to use (SMART Connect Server (Windows)). I watched the Mr. Denton Joachim Youtube Channel Tutorials. I need the SMART Connect Server (Windows) software.


Are you trying to create a connect server locally or are requesting to use SMART Connect as a Service(SCaaS)?
If you require a Connect server supported by the partners, SCaaS, please fill in this form and your request will be processed.


Please guide me to deploy SMART Connect 7.5.7 on my server.
Windows server 2019

Please guide me to deploy SMART Connect 7.5.7 on my server.
Windows server 2019

Can you give me tutorial for Smart Connect Server

Hi @mdkhyerali @anhtruc1803 ,

Please follow use the following document to set up your SMART Connect server.

Please feel free to reach out to me on if you need help.



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Hi @jsimfukwe

Thanks you for sharing this useful script.

I am trying to install Connect 7.5.9 using downloaded document link above without problem, but when checking the version on the setting, I found the version is 7.5.7, perhaps need a docker script revision for this connect 7.5.9 version.

Do you have a correct server.war 7.5.9 version with connect.sql script?, I am really appreciate it if you could sharing these files with us here.

Many thanks :pray:

Hi Usman,

The .war file is correct. I just followed up with the team. That version number just wasn’t updated, that is why you are seeing that version number.


Thank you for your effort to confirm on this. Really appreciate it. :+1:

Many thank