Can SMART Mobile automatically add attributes to generate the result of another attribute in SMART Mobile?
Could you please provide an example? There may be ways to handle your scenario.
For example, I’m monitoring turtles and I have turtles with deformities such as albinos, twins and others and I want them to automatically join and give me the total of turtles with deformities in the SMART Mobile.
Can I do that?
This is not something that can currently be done with SMART Mobile.
Hi Bianca,
Can you clarify how you would use that data summarization in SMART Mobile? You should be able to use a query in SMART desktop to easily summarize the number of turtle with deformities that were observed, so I’m curious as to what you’re trying to do with that within the mobile app.
Hi Matt,
Yeah, I explained to the technician in charge how to do it from SMART Desktop, but she asked me if it could be automatic in the SMART Mobile, I think she want to have this number automatic.
Hey @matt.hron,
Let’s say we need to collect attributes such as specie, genera, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, and domain. We have to collect multiple observations and can be a time-consuming process to select one of them each time.
Do we have an option for auto-filling in SMART Mobile? For example, I select a specie, and the rest of the taxonomic attributes fill with the corresponding options.
YEs, this is possible using the configurable model and conditional data entry. It is possible to set up a configurable model/attribute so that if one option is selected you get presented with one selection of attributes, and if you select another option you get presented with a different set of attributes. You can combine this with default settings and making attributes visible/not visible to get default values automatically applied. For example is you had the two attributes Bird Species and Bird Color, if you chose “Crow” for species, color would automatically be “Black” but if you chose “unknown species” you would have the option to enter Bird Color.