Trouble with patrol package creation

I am having trouble creating a patrol package. I follow all the steps and have a package saved, but it shows no packge date and it also says no package for some reason. I cannot then export to device or to connect. unsure as to the reason why.
I have tried to see if there are others with this problem in the topics but unable to find anything similar. any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Jonathan,

I am currently testing this and all seems to be working well. Could you please share the steps you took? I would also like for you to share any errors that popped up.



The steps i took are as follows (essentially the same as in the manual).
Field Data- Smart Mobile- Packages- plus button- patrol.
from there i just selected the necessary elements with the check boxes etc. save and there is an url created. The shows no errors or error report whilst creating. It simply doesnt give a package date and no local package as shown in the previous screen shot.
When trying to export the error shown is error http 403 forbidden.

Hi Jonathan,

The “no package” message is just informing you that the package has not been exported. The package itself is likely fine. The date will mirror the date on which the package is exported.

In this case, we need to make sure your connection to your Connect server is established. Are you able to sync with your server without issue? However, the error suggests a permissions issue. Make sure the user account you’re using for Connect has sufficient permissions to export packages. Check this on your Connect server under “user accounts”, select the account in question, select “actions” and find the appropriate permissions.

For a local package export, have you done this before? You need to make sure the device is connected to your computer via cabled connection and the device should be in “file transfer mode”.



Hi Alex!
I am currently having problems uploading my CA to connect which makes things more difficult. When the connection was still working a few weeks ago i attempted to export the package to my colleagues mobil, via cable, which didnt work, message said no package found. Thats where my troubles began. I am currently working on resolving the issue with uploading my restored CA to connect, with not so favourable results so far, hopefully when that problem is resolved the package problem will fall in line…

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the update. On the cabled / offline export I find 9 times out of 10 it is either an issue with the data cable or the device settings.

Please do update here on your progress.



Hi Jonathan,

One more thing. When you experience the crash / issue on the Mobile can you please send a bug report (see settings on SMART Mobile) and we can look into it if it is still not working.



Thanks for the info and input. I have not had any problems with the cable im using for anything else, even when uploading patrols when everything was working so i dont think that is the problem. As far as device settings are concerned, they havent been changed. If i can get the upload of the CA to connect figured out maybe the rest will fall in line.
And as yet i have never experienced a crash or issue with the mobile app.