Welcome to the SMART Community Forum! Please introduce yourself

Hi Roy, nice to meet you, welcome aboard.

je suis firmin konan, chargĂ© de biomonitoring Ă  WCF en CĂŽte d’ivoire. AprĂšs une phase d’essai du logiciel smart dans le suivi de la faune et de l’habitat dans la forĂȘt classĂ©e du cavally, nous voulons cette annĂ©e au cours des prochains mois l’implĂ©menter comme outil de collecte de donnĂ©es.
je suis heureux de faire partie de ce groupe.


I am Paul Edonga from Northern Kenya landscape. I work with in Community Conservation as a Endangered Beisa Oryx species Program Manager. I am an expert in idegenouse communities sustainable Project Management with a strong biase in Fundraising and Grants Management.

Specific skills include excellent proposal writing, Grants management, project implementation stewardship, report writing and MEAL I am currently a PHD researcher in Biosystems and Agriculture Economy Resources.

I am a PHD Researcher in Biosystem and currently writing a cotext based manual for Intergrated Community Conservancy Management and Monitoring System (CcMMs) that its enhancement plan is customizing it within Wildlife monitoring (WCoMMs), Social-Economic indicators monitoring with commynity conserancies (SCoMMs) and vegetation management and monitoring (VCoMMs).

I find the system well aligned and highly friendly to the SMART system-I would wish to collate enough SMART system information to intergrate to CoMMs to enhance its capacity within Arid lands of northern Kenya.


Hi Drew,

Lets connect.

I am a PHD Researcher in Biosystem and currently writing a cotext based manual for Intergrated Community Conservancy Management and Monitoring System (CcMMs) that its enhancement plan is customizing it within Wildlife monitoring (WCoMMs), Social-Economic indicators monitoring with commynity conserancies (SCoMMs) and vegetation management and monitoring (VCoMMs).

I find the system well aligned and highly friendly to the SMART system-I would wish to collate enough SMART system information to intergrate to CoMMs to enhance its capacity within Arid lands of northern Kenya.

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Hi all. I am Owen Dixon-Paver a director at Phalaborwa Natural Heritage Foundation (PNHF). I have jus completed SMART training and look forward to using SMART to record details of our snare patrols, snare removal from snared wildlife and other bio-diversity initiatives.


Hello everyone. Am Kirao Lennox from Kenya working with A Rocha Kenya as a scientist. I haven’t used Smart much but we are keen as an NGO to explore Smart and use it for management of a Nature Reserve (A Rocha Dakatcha Nature Reserve) we are creating in Dakatcha. I participated recently on the National Smart training that was conducted in Machakosi. Am still very keen to learn and help our institution on the best Smart can be implemented for management of the said Nature Reserve. Looking forward to lots of discusions and stories emerging on the use of smart and related products.



Hie out there I am Aliel Moyo a research assistant in Department of National Parks Malawi based in in northern part Nyika National Park to be specific I am data entry and analyst I have been using Smart for number of years now since 2015 am doing well with the soft ware though learning is a process and I am happy to be on this forum


Hello drew,
I would like to have your email address or any other contact to directly discuss with you.

Hi SMART Community, I am Joshua Pandong the Coordinator for Orangutan Unit at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Malaysia based in Kuching Sarawak, Borneo. We use SMART mainly for ecological monitoring and supporting TPA management via community patrols and training. The team will have a SMART 7 training in November 2022 to upgrade from the current SMART 6 and were recommended to join this community first. Looking forward to learn from everyone. Thank you.


Hello thanks everyone,
Am Ruth Chitindi from Conservation South Luangwa Zambia , we are using SMART for Human Wildlife Conflicts (HWC). I’m happy to join the forum.


Hi everyone, my name is Danielle LaBruna and I work with the Wildlife Conservation Society where I am Associate Director of Conservation Technology. I have a background in GIS, and look forward to being part of the SMART Community. I am interested in spreading capacity for GIS, SMART and other conservation tools so that conservationists all over the world can do their work better.


Hello everyone my name is Solomon from Zimbabwe where im actually trying to implement SMART in wildlife conservation. im here because im now getting a nightmare on connecting a project from SMART desktop to the SMART mobile application. i have tried using SMART connect but it requires certificates and stuff my question is is there no other way i can import my project to SMART mobile app

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Hi Solomon,
You can use SMART Mobile even if you don’t have SMART Connect. When you are done collecting data and want to add it to your SMART Desktop, you connect your mobile device to your computer using the USB cable and import the data using the process outlined on page 45 of the mobile collection guide:

If you are encountering any issues with this process, please create a new post in the forum, and we will make sure you get assistance.


thanks mate let me try this one and see

is it possible to delete your record application for the Smart connect server

Hi there,

Sure, I can cancel the request for you.



that will be greatly appreciated

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Hello everyone,
My name is Edinah Ng’ambi ,I work for the Department of National Parks and Wildlife as a wildlife police officer at South Luangwa National Park in Zambia.
My first time to use SMART was in 2018 when i was trained to use SMART as a tool for Law Enforcement Monitoring in Sioma Ngwezi National park ,now i able to train ranger patrols and senior management why it is important to use SMART and assist with implementation in protected areas across the country.
I am happy to be part of this community,looking forward to learning more from here.


Hi Edinah,

Thanks for joining and welcome to the SMART Community!


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Hi there, my name is Willy. I work in Way Kambas National Park.
we use the Smart application in area patrols, record findings in the field and we also use smart to help us fill in data on the “SIDAK” application from the Indonesian ministry of environment and forestry. Greetings to all, very happy to be able to join and share knowledge :grinning: