Welcome to the SMART Community Forum! Please introduce yourself

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My name is Theo and I am looking into the application of this technology for Jamma International. Specifically we are looking at the state of CBNRM in southern Africa and what technology to use for baseline data collection. I am currently trying to work through the manual so I can report back but am having trouble as the support materials to the manual appear to be unavailable? Thanks.

Hi Tommy happy to chat with any questions you may have

Hi Theo
Which materials are you struggling to access? Here is a link to the technical manual so long

Thanks for you response. I’ll definitely get in touch.

Hello SMART Colleagues, My name is Francis Ngari, working with Kenya Wildlife Service Security and Conservation Data Management Officer at Tsavo West National park. I have been using SMART conservation tool since 2019 and am eager to learn more about it. Looking forward to learning something new during the process. Thank you so much


Welcome to the SMART community Francis. All the best!

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Hello all,

I am Usman, I work a for Sumateran Hutan Harapan, We have work with smart apps since 2015 with manual centralized one smart desktop, we are looking for distributed methods to use smart and period base Smart data management to monitor our consssion area. Still testing smart-connect at the moment, but hoping for big changes on the next phase.

Best regard

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Hello. I’m Adolfo, from Peru, now I’m in charge of SMART Desktop for five Conservation Areas in the Cusco Region. I continue to work on past efforts using SMART and we are on Implementation in all of these areas. Besides of the areas that I am in charge, there are Protected Natural Areas in Cusco Region that are using SMART for monitoring and surveillance , among them the Historic Sanctuary of Machupicchu and the Manu National Park.

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Hi. My name is Guillermo Estupiñán, fisheries specialis at WCS Brazil.
I have been working in the Amazon for over 20 years in the management of fisheries resources, in the creation and implementation of protected areas and the development of their management tools, and socio-environmental monitoring.
We are supporting the implementation of SMART in protected areas of the state of Amazonas, Brazil, in partnership with the Secretariat of the Environment of Amazonas and WWF. The protocols are focused on Protection, Surveillance and Control (PVC) and biodiversity, including its use. Currently, technicians and environmental agents from 12 protected areas are trained and able to use the monitoring tools.

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Hi, I am wildlife monitoring specialist from Dept. of Ecology, CZU Prague, currently surveying potential wildlife corridors in northern part of Congo. I hope our findings will contribute to conservation and knowledge about remaining wilderness outside the protected areas. I am more than happy to join your community! Cheers, Tom


Greetings everyone,
I am Martin from Ghana. I am with the Mole National Park. Mole National Park is the biggest national park in Ghana.
I have been using SMART since 2019 when I joined the organization.

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Hello Folks… This is Wasim from Pakistan. For the past two years, I have been leading a SMART project with WWF-Pakistan in two national parks in Pakistan, demonstrating my commitment to ongoing learning and the implementation of cutting-edge technology in conservation efforts. Eager to expand my technical knowledge in SMART applications, I am enthusiastic about participating in SMART councils through online meetings.

In terms of contributions, I am eager to share valuable insights from impact studies conducted on SMART initiatives in Pakistan. Notably, we have recently piloted an AI-based predator early warning system aimed at minimizing human-wildlife conflicts. I am keen to discuss the outcomes and lessons learned from this innovative approach.

Furthermore, I can contribute by shedding light on the on-site challenges that park rangers face in the unique context of Pakistan. By participating in the SMART community globally, I hope to exchange ideas and experiences, learning how others have adopted best practices to achieve the goals and objectives of SMART initiatives.

In summary, my participation in a SMART council would involve sharing impactful studies, insights from AI applications in wildlife conservation, and on-the-ground challenges faced by rangers in Pakistan, while also gaining valuable knowledge from the global SMART community’s best practices.

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Hi Monica, Hope all is well! am Byron working as a Biomonitoring \specialist for Fauna & Flora. Am totally new on SMART application, kindly can u share with me some reading and tutorial material that i can use to improve on skills. Thanks in advance!

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Hi Byron - welcome to the SMART Community. Here is a link to the manuals and documentation that you can use to learn. - SMART Technical Manuals

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Hi Padma,
Thanks for sharing! Let go through it…

Hi everyone, my name is Gunter.

I am currently working in the Greater Kruger System in South Africa. I have recently decided to switch over to SMART to monitor key species and their movements within the system.

I am very new to SMART but look forward to getting to know the system.


Hi everyone,

My name is Marcelo Paixão, I’m biologist and I work with Conservation Units (protected areas) in São João da Barra - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil. I’m trying to apply Smart in the managemant of our Conservation Units. I had a course of this amazing tool by WWF Brasil. Sorry for my bad english kkkk



Hola a todos

Mi nombre es Augusto Granda Guamán, soy de Ecuador y trabajo en el Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo Galeras, soy Guardaparque y jefe de área. Estamos iniciando con la implementación de SMART - smart mobile en mi área protegida, creo que nos va a servir mucho.

Tenemos el apoyo de WCS Ecuador en este proceso


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Hi everyone!
My name is André Desrochers, professor of Ecology and Conservation at Université Laval. I joined this Community because I lead a snow tracking program in a boreal forest of Quebec, Canada. Since 2000 we have recorded over 70,ooo tracks and published several papers based on these data.
I have been using CyberTracker since 2016, and I hope this community will help me know more about CT and now, SMART.
André Desrochers